Category Archives: Florida

UPOs: Unidentified Pensacola Objects

When most people think of Pensacola, FL, they likely think of its miles of peaceful beaches, or the fact that it is the proud home of the military’s Blue Angels. Something strange,however,  is happening over the Pensacola skies. The area is known for an unusually high number of sighting of unidentified objects, what some say are clearly classic UFOs.

In this episode of The Southern Way, Mike Mitchell travels to Pensacola to try to see these UFOs firsthand, especially a glowing red orb that some locals affectionately call “Bubba.” Along the way, Mike finds a home that would make The Jetsons feel right at home.

Have your own experience with UFOs? Leave us a comment and tell us about it…

As always, this episode features music created by Darrell Lee that is available for purchase via digital download.


The Oldest Building in The Americas

In this episode, The Southern Way explores the fascinating story behind the oldest building in the Western Hemisphere. But, as with most stories told on our website, there’s more to this building than meets the eye.

The Monastery of St. Bernard de Clairvaux boasts a history that spans far behind the friendly North Miami neighborhood that now counts it as a member. Join The Southern Way’s Mike Mitchell as he is details the history of this curious structure, and explains how the powerful media tycoon William Randolph Hearst played an unsuspecting role in this building’s eventual reconstruction in South Florida.

As always, this episode features music created by Darrell Lee that is available for purchase via digital download.

Any reactions to learning the oldest building in the Western Hemisphere is in South Florida? Leave us a comment and tell us your reaction…